This week Josie and I were lucky enough to receive tickets to see the Shane Black crime comedy film The Nice Guys starring Ryan Gosling (The Big Short). Gosling plays private detective Holland March who is searching for a missing girl Amelia (Margaret Qualley, Palo Alto) who is trying her best not to be found.
The film also stars Academy award winner Russell Crowe (The Gladiator) as Jackson Healy. Healy’s hired muscle who was originally hired by Amelia to convince Holland March to stop looking after her. Then after a visit from some goons Jackson becomes intrigued in who his client actually is and why everyone is looking for her. Therefore, to appease his queries he re-hires a resistant Holland to assist him in finding Amelia.
During their investigations, Holland’s inquisitive teenage daughter Holly, admirably played by young Australian actor Angourie Rice, who has an investigative knack like her father becomes involved in the case. The mystery evolves and as the story becomes clearer, you can’t help but get caught up in the action, and relationships developing between Healy, March and his daughter.
Black’s film is based on the adult industry of the seventies, and the set and costume designs are quite vibrant and colourful. Black who also co-wrote the screenplay with Anthony Bagarozzi, tells his captivating story and his strong main characters, are played extremely well. Throughout the film you can’t help but like these characters, even at their worst moments. Although a good film, there is one part that I felt a little uncomfortable with, but that may be because I have daughters and wouldn’t expect them to be at a party in the same situation at Holly’s age. It maybe me, but I’ll let you decide for yourselves!
There are many things to like about this film, the chemistry between Gosling and Crowe is unexpectedly good, and the addition of Academy award winner Kim Basinger (LA Confidential) to the cast as Judith Kuttner, the head of the US Department of Justice, is just another talking point and positive for the film.
Overall I was fairly impressed with The Nice Guys, as the story flowed well and the viewers mind shouldn’t go wandering or get lost in the directors vision.
Rating 1-10 ( 1 = very poor, 10 = excellent)
Cinematography = 7
Storyline = 8
Characters & Acting = 9
Setting & Costume Design =8
Overall = 8